Friday, September 18, 2009

Professional pics

This is my favorite pic of Ru ever! This was another set of way overpriced prints from a really cheap sitting fee done at a local hotel. They give you one really cheap large print, and then it's way overpriced for any other prints. But I did go ahead and order the smallest package so I could have this one of Ru. In addition to the old fashioned cuteness, she really does just adore stuffed bears. so it caught a nice bit of her personality as well. (note all the other bears tossed behind her... ;)

They talked me into dressing up for pics, too. I hadn't planned on it, but decided why not, I haven't had my pic done professionally in ages. The first pic was the one 10x13 I got, the second was just fun, as Ru does like sitting on my lap and reading books, too.

I love this last one because it shows what a girly girl she is. She loves wearing necklaces and playing with her tea set. (altho hers is plastic, not ceramic like the one in the pic) I'm pretty sure I never touched a tea set in my entire tom boy childhood. I think I played dress up once at Aunt Ruth's, but I didn't own any dress up clothes myself and certainly didn't play on a regular basis. Ru does tho, she's just waiting for me to buy her something other than her one sparkly skirt (thanks Lory!) that she wears all the time, and her many beaded necklaces. Hehe, and I also like her little toes peeking out under the table...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ravioli and black beans?

It's a kind of odd combination, but that's what Ru and I had for dinner one day this week when Brian was late coming home from work. I didn't have the energy to cook anything for just the two of us, so I heated up a can of black beans, and some chef boyardee ravioli. Ru loved both, she almost always likes beans, and the ravioli was a big hit, too!

Note the beans are gone, still one ravioli bit to go tho. BTW, she's wearing her pj shirt from the night before, since we were playing in the water outside before dinner and she got her t-shirt all wet. So I decided rather than put it back on, I'd just toss this other shirt on for dinner and take it off for bathtime. (she was chilly or I wouldn't have bothered with a shirt at all. ;) anyway, that's why she doesn't have a bib on.

One slightly grubby, but quite happy and well fed little girl! ;)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

We love the baby!

Ruthie got a new baby doll from her Nana a few weeks ago. (Nana also bought the outfit she's wearing in this pic, I love owls!) She LOVES it! She just calls it baby right now, maybe when she's talking better it will get a real name. It's about 12 inches, I'll have to keep an eye out for 12 inch baby doll clothes now. ;) It also can go in the bathtub (altho we don't really plan to play with it in there) it's nice that it is quite washable. It also smells like vanilla, altho I haven't decided if I think that's a good thing or not. ;)

She likes to put the doll in her little stroller (which, now that I think about it, Nana ALSO bought for her...), sometimes she even gets it in there facing the correct way. At least the feet always go in first...

Ru also likes to feed the baby. Here she is sharing her cheerios.

I love that she is learning to love and take care of other little people (as well as her stuffed animals, she feeds them too) and that she's got a little friend she really likes to play with. :)