Ru had sunblock on her legs, and thought it was pretty cool that the little pieces of mulch stuck to her.
While I've got your attention, recent developments in Ru's little life include: a much improved ability to run, and run, and run...; the comprehension skills to usually answer a yes or no question with a nod or shake of the head; the ability (or maybe inclination) to actually nod yes and mean it if I ask if she's ready for a nap or bedtime! ; 4 new teeth (the last two incisors on the bottom, and two molars on the top, those have been GREAT fun ) ; and the ability to put on and take off her beaded necklaces she got at the old fashioned festival. She also will leave hair clips in now, so we are letting her bangs grow out for now. Fun times in our Cheery-O household! :)
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