Saturday, December 20, 2008


For those of you that don't live local, Ru's first snow is turning out to be a doozy! We took those pics last sunday. It has snowed again off and on all week. School was cancelled all week, and Brian only made it in to work twice. Now it's saturday night, we have 6 inches of snow, and it hasn't stopped snowing all day. (or night) The town is starting to shut down. They've cancelled church tomorrow (at our little church, maybe not the entire town). Even worse, the teriaki place closed JUST as we were gonna walk over for dinner!

Anyway, I went out and took some pics tonight. It was tough to take pics of the house/trees/anything big because the snow reflected the flash. I did get one good one of the house without the flash. Too bad we didn't get to the christmas lights this year!

Here's the cars covered in snow, and the van was cleared off when we went to choir practice, then again when we came HOME from choir that is all just from the afternoon.

The house--I took this with no flash (pesky snowflakes were reflecting way too much.) The level in the foreground is 7 inches deep. (I was using it as a ruler)

I took this one just because it's a great shot of sammy loving the snow. If you can't tell he's about 2 feet in air (he was 3 at the top of his jump) trying to catch some snow I kicked at him.This much snow sticking around this long is just about unheard of up here. Maybe we'll get a white Christmas! :) (altho I sure hope the roads are clear by then!)

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