Teddy is here! Theadora Joy Olsen was born at 9:44 am on February 7th, 2010. She weighed 8 pounds, three ounces, and was 21 inches long. Technically she's a preemie as she was three weeks and one day early, and anything earlier than three weeks is premature. But it was only one day, whereas Ru was 6 weeks early. What a difference those three weeks make! Teddy is fine and healthy and didn't need any assistance breathing, swallowing, etc. It appears she'll be able to nurse just fine, and we were all able to stay together in our room in the Newberg hospital. Except Ru of course, she went and stayed with Grandma Judy for the three days we were in the hospital.
Of course, this means there are now FOUR cheery Os in our family, so the title of this blog, Three Cheery Os, is now out of date. So I have decided to close this chapter and this blog, and begin a new one with the more appropriate title. If you're a follower here, you may want to jump on over to http://fourcheeryos.blogspot.com/ and begin following that one. If you generally get this because I email it to you, don't worry, I'll send posts from the new blog as well. Cya there!