We had our friends Doris & Clayton Foss from church over for Easter since they don't have any relatives in town, either. They are almost the exact same age as my grandparents (whom I miss greatly!) and are great
ppl, and had a ball watching Ruthie's antics as she figured out this
Easter egg hunt thing. She is army crawling like a champ, and if the skirt of her dress wasn't in the way she would have practiced it with her tummy off the ground more, too.
Walking is way better than crawling tho, and this week she has transitioned to only holding one of my hands. This makes it much easier for her to touch the wall as we walk by, or grab the chairs, etc. She also has better access to all the fun stuff on the tables, in bags, or generally in areas mom isn't used to having to protect from baby's curious hands! But most importantly today, it frees up one hand to pick up the funny colored plastic things mommy threw all over the ground and put on the chairs. :)

We had her favorite yogurt drops (freeze dried whipped yogurt made specifically for toddlers) and some fruit loops in the eggs. She much
preferred the yogurt drops, which is fine with me since the fruit loops are pretty sugary. We had four new board books and some stuffed animals in her
Easter basket before we got started, along with some
Easter grass, which she thought was yucky. (and really, that plastic
Easter grass stuff IS yucky...dunno what I was thinking when I bought it...)
The worst part about her first
Easter is she's getting a cold, her poor little nose is just running and running. It's not bothering her too much when she's distracted by toys and such, but when it's
nap time or really running, she's been fairly fussy. She seems to be feeling worse as the evening continues. Brian's putting her to bed right now, hopefully it will be better tomorrow and not worse!
Hope everyone had a happy Easter!