It's been forever. So I will stay up late and toss a bunch of cute baby pics at you. I'll start with Ru's ten month pics, she turned ten months old on valentines day. Her Nana bought her this totally cute outfit!
She's ALMOST able to stand up while holding on to something.
I'm a middle school teacher taking a year off to be a stay at home mom. I am married to a wonderful hubby and have a new baby girl. I love God, my family, crafts (particularly scrapbooking), learning new things, and chocolate. ;)
Land of the Free “How do you tell when a lawyer is lying?” Harvey Kash, 69, asked Carl Lanzisera, 65, as the two were waiting in line to enter the courthouse in Hempstead, N.Y. “His lips are moving!” they said in unison. The men, founders of the group “Americans for Legal Reform”, then told another well-practiced joke. A man ahead of them in line turned and “shouted” at them, Kash said, saying “Shut up, I’m a lawyer.” The attorney reported them to court personnel, who had the men arrested on disorderly conduct charges. “They were being abusive and they were causing a disturbance,” a court officer says. “We were outside on the street,” Kash responds. A civil rights attorney has offered to represent the men and fight the charge. (New York Newsday) ...How can you tell when a reform group is successful? When their story gets sympathetic worldwide press coverage. Available in This is True: Book Collection Vol. 11
Meet the O's
Daddy-O aka BrianO, he's a computer programmer by trade, also is in charge of the sound system at church, as well as sings in the choir and takes care of the church web page. He likes anything gadget related, watching videos on the internet, crafts such as leatherworking and woodcarving, and snuggling his little girl. Dislikes onions, peppers, and mowing the lawn.
Mommy-O aka JenO, she's a middle school science teacher trying out the stay at home mom thing this year. She is also the youth director at our church. She likes crafts such as scrapbooking, cardmaking, and sewing, playing with digital images and her cafepress store (go buy something!). She also likes most things gadgety, especially if they relate to digital photography. Dislikes onions, peppers, and the breast pump.
Baby-O Ru just joined us this April. So far she likes eating, snuggling, chewing on stuff. Like her daddy, she is fascinated by flickering lights. She doesn't care for sleeping or sudden noises.
I'll also mention Sammy-O, our dog and Ru's best bud. Sammy is a bouncy, hyper, rat terrier; with a talent for breaking his right front leg and making Ru laugh for no obvious reason.
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