Recently our power lawn mower has gone on vacation (my mom needed it back when hers was kinda stolen), so I've taken over the lawn care with my little push-reel mower. It's been a while since I've mowed, since the power mower stirs up my allergies so much. However, now that I'm out and about, I've discovered _I_ am a sexy mower, too! and I must be REALLY hot, because both men and women stare while I'm out there doing my thing. I'm not imagining it. Cars slow down, neighbor men come out to chat with me (never mind that the majority of my neighbors are men), it happens too often to be my imagination. I do try to be humble, but obviously I am fairly irresistible despite the fact that I am fully clothed. I'll try not to let it go to my head. I had Brian take some pics so y'all could ogle me in the privacy of your own home.
Of course, I suppose it could be that folks have never seen a woman mowing the lawn with a baby strapped to her chest, but I doubt it.
Ru likes helping, and I'm all about getting her started on the chores early. Not that it saves me any effort, it actually takes a bit more with 24 lbs strapped on. Altho I suspect the more effort thing will hold true for all chores for a few years...
I remember the first time I had the kids do the was more work cleaning up after all the water on the floor and cupboards than it was help in doing the dishes.
It is well worth it though...they have been doing an excellent job on doing the dishes for over a decade...and I no longer have to clean up after them...funny thing they're off to college and I have to remember how to do the dishes
Enjoy the help while it lasts :)
btw...I don't think I'm qualified to comment on the sexy mowing mama...wrong gender here...
Thanks for the comments Claire! :) I figure the "help" with the chores is more about programming and entertaining at any of the early stages, any actual work that gets done is a bonus. At least at this point she isn't slowing me down in the yard, just helping mommy burn more calories.
And I did say women stare too, altho it is comforting to know you don't swing that way. ;) (not because I care, but because you're married... ;)
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