However, Brian got a call Thursday at work from Julie at church--could he run the sound that night for our VBS program? So we didn't get the van packed up and ready to go until after he got home from work Friday. It was after dark and we weren't familiar with the area, so we decided to wait until morning to leave.
We didn't leave until around 8:30, and we travelled down some seriously windy little roads good ol' google maps sent us down. (for future reference, take 26 to 101 and then head south. Hwy 53 is just a paved goat track...) We got there around 11 and Brian set up the tent and made us lunch while I fed Ruthie.
We were in charge of the sand sculpting contest (thank goodness I can say with a little help from our friends, the Hyltons ended up doing most of the work!) So we wandered around and said hi to folks, then headed to the beach for the start at 2. It was REALLY REALLY windy. You can't really take pictures of wind, but this sculpture was completed less than an hour before this pic was taken.
I guess you can kinda see Susan's white head wrap flapping in the breeze, too. With her italian skin tone and the way she covered herself to protect from the blowing sand, she could have passed for a Muslim woman in the middle eastern desert. ;)
Ru and I bundled up, too! It wasn't particularly warm even back at camp where there wasn't any wind, so we knew to make sure we kept her warm. She is wearing a double layered flannel sleeper, and a sweatshirt type hoodie with a sun hat to protect her face. I'm wearing a tank top. Then I put on my wrap and put her in it, adding three layers of t-shirt type fabric to her, and about one to me. I put my warm jacket on over that so I could zip it over her if needed, and my beat up old dragon hat that Brian bought for me back when we were dating to keep my ears warm. Here we are:
Brian had a t-shirt and jacket, too. But his ears weren't covered, and he didn't have a snuggly baby strapped to his chest. He got pretty cold out there. Ru and I only stayed out for an hour (long enough for me to sunburn my face ;) but Brian stayed the whole time.
Because of the wind Brian photographed all the sculptures at their best time, so the folks that finished early could still have a sculpture left to judge at 4:30. Then he went and put them on someone's laptop, and we all voted back in the camp. By the time he got that done it was time for me to pump, then time for the potluck. Brian was cold after the potluck, so I went back and got some more layers for him (and gave him the baby) and then we sat thru the church service. Brian headed back with Ru and I cleaned up our potluck stuff and got our chairs.
When I got back to camp Brian was in the van with Ru with the van on and the heater blowing. I climbed in the drivers side and joked that we shouldn't leave without our tent and the dogs. Brian said he was seriously considering going home, because he was still cold and worried about Ru getting cold in the night. I was happy either way. So we decided to head home. I got out and started packing up. Our friend Rose came over and took Sammy for another walk (she pretty much had him all day, she loved sammy!) and Mark came over from across the way and helped me pack everything up. He also took down the tent and packed that up for us, too. I love that man, he's good people.
So we rolled out of there around 9:30. We took the main hwys home rather than the goat track, and I was tired enough I stopped at the Sonic in hillsboro to refuel myself. We got home around 12:45 and collapsed into bed. Ru had been asleep almost all day, but fortunately slept too as I dunno how Brian or I would have managed to stay up with her.
So our first camping trip turned into a nice day at the beach. Too bad we spent all that time planning and packing for an overnight!
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