Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Love those Babylegs!

It was a little cool yesterday morning when I got Ru dressed, but I knew it was going to be warm in the afternoon so I wanted to put something cooler on her. So I picked a onesie type outfit (one of my faves!) and then put some plain white socks on her. But her little legs were still exposed to the cool air. So I decided to try out her "babylegs" socks. I bought them before she was even born, because they were cute. :) They are basically a long sock, except they don't actually have the part that covers the feet. They are just tubes. That way baby can be barefoot if she is learning to walk and needs the traction, you can take them on or off without taking off a bigger kid's shoes, and the size is all one size fits all.
When I got them, I figured that one size fits all wasn't meant to include little babies. And certainly they didn't fit my preemie. But my preemie is a big chunk now so I put them on her. There is PLENTY of room for growth. But the tops did stay up on her little thighs! The bottoms stayed on as long as her socks were on. And they happened to match her outfit perfectly. :)
The best part was when we took a nap around noon. She woke up an hour later and let me know she was much too hot. (boy, did she let me know!) I was able to quick yank off the socks and the babylegs and pop a bottle in her mouth and she was happy almost immediatly. I'm loving the babylegs! Today it's overcast (who knows what the afternoon will bring) so I've got them on her again. We don't have a lot of sleepers in her current size (3-6 months, and they don't have much extra room!) so these may get us thru without me having to buy anymore. (Altho I'm finding I rather enjoy shopping for her. I've never liked shopping for me. But she's way cuter.... ;)
She also had a massive poopy diaper, pretty much every surface of her body that was inside the diaper was covered in the runny stuff. Fortunately none escaped. But it was really nice to be able to clean up the mess with her legs still nice and warm (try that in a sleeper outfit) and the babylegs stayed clean. I'm sold! They've got lots more colors and patterns, but I'll try and keep myself out of trouble with just the two pair that I have now. (these ones are called "jellybean" and I also have some red and pink striped ones called "cinnamon") The nice thing is she can wear them, well, all the way into her teens if she wants to switch and put them on her arms when her legs get too big. Hooray for clothes my kid won't outgrow!
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